joe kunisch quote on orchids
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AMPHIBIAN ARK - Amphibian Ark must raise $50-$60 million to save 500 of the most endangered species. While a $100,000 corporate or philanthropic gift allows a donor to “adopt” a frog species (or a toad, newt, salamander, or caecilian) and have the option to join scientists on a rescue mission, Amphibian Ark is asking you to support the companies (visit link), as a percentage of the sales made from these books and other products are being generously donated to the Amphibian Ark.

THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIA - Alison Lontay is working in association with EAZA "The Year of the Frog" 2008 Campaign to help raise funds and awareness to rescue our frogs from Chytrid Fungus, through her KISS N TELL fashion range (visit Conservation/Fair Trade page - Frogs).

ORCHID CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL- Alison Lontay is working in association with Orchid Conservation to help save our rare and precious orchids around the world and their habitats through the sales of her designs. She will become an honorary member of OCI in 2008 for her work.

THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS - KEW - Alison Lontay was one of seven orchid enthusiasts invited by The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London to be part of their orchid festival titled: Passion - The irresistible beauty of orchids.

STYLE HIVE- What the people from Style Hive have to say?

SAATCHI GALLERY - View Alison Lontay's controversial portfolio at The Saatchi Gallery: Tackiness in society today and its effects on peoples daily lives.

MISS LONTAY'S DIARY - Discover what Miss Lontay is up to... ?

ALISON LONTAY CREATIVE PORTFOLIO - Alison has worked around the world as a creative consultant in major publishing advertising and fashion houses.

ALISON LONTAY PHOTOGRAPHY - Photographic images of exotic flora and fauna, extraordinary people and places from her travel adventures...

MONTE PALACE TROPICAL GARDENS - Miss Lontay would like to thank everyone at Monte Palace Tropical Gardens for their kindness and patience in allowing us to photograph our spring/summer collection there. xx

FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER PHILIP JAMES- It is an honor to work with Philip, his skill with natural light creates a mystical feel to his work. I feel completely at ease with him.



Silk Chiffon Orchid
Print Loungewear



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